Please submit any bugs you find in the evaluation code provided, below. Please note that the most up to date evaluation code will at available on the challenge webpage ( For any other questions regarding including Codalab submissions etc, start another thread.
Posted by: rohithkp @ July 22, 2019, 11:58 p.m.While checking to make sure free vertices are not referred to in the landmark indices file, landmark indices as "-1" should be skipped. Otherwise, they will be treated as free vertices and raise an exception.
Posted by: choiron @ July 24, 2019, 9:40 a.m.The '-1' bug has been fixed in eval code v12.6. Please download the latest version of the eval program from the challenge website.
Posted by: rohithkp @ July 24, 2019, 6:39 p.m.For streamlining bug reporting and code release, we have moved the evaluation code to the following repository. ( Please report any issues on the forum or on the GitHub issues tab.
Posted by: rohithkp @ July 26, 2019, 5:32 p.m. Before the 337th line in the version 12.8 code:
_,_,rough_scale_s = align_source_to_target(landmark_s,landmark_t,scale = True)
It seems that the variables landmark_s and landmark_t should delete the landmarks with -1 index firstly, otherwise, the calculated rough scale may be inaccurate.