KDD Cup 2019: AutoML for Temporal Relational Data Forum

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> IMPORTANT NOTICE: Restart of the AutoML Phase, KDD Cup 2019 AutoML Challenge (AutoML for Temporal Relational Data)

Dear all participants:

We have restarted the AutoML Phase of KDD Cup 2019 AutoML Challenge (AutoML for Temporal Relational Data).

Please visit the new challenge website,
and take the following steps to make a re-submission of your final solution:

1. Register a new CodaLab account: please register a new CodaLab account with EXACTLY the same email address that you used for your former account (i.e., the email address with which you receive THIS email). The former team name will be retained (according to the confirmation email you sent us at the end of the Feedback Phase). Nevertheless, we strongly suggest that you use the same ID you used formerly (i.e., the team name) if it is possible.

2. Submit your solution: please submit your final solution on the new challenge website.
Please note:
1. All teams SHOULD make this submission, regardless of the result (“finished” or “failed”) of its former submissions (the last submission in the Feedback Phase or the re-submission in the Check phase). In other words, even if its last submission did not fail, a team should make a new submission of its final solution on the new website;
2. A team has and only has ONE chance of submission, no matter the results. Any additional submissions will be ignored. Each submission will be rerun at most *3* times if it fails (failures caused by system issues do not count);
3. The submission deadline is 11:59pm, July 13th (UTC).
4. The testing environment is exactly the same as the previous one.

3. Fill out the fact sheet: please fill out the fact sheet on
The deadline of fact sheet submission is 11:59pm, July 14th (UTC).

Best Regards
KDD Cup 2019 Organizers

Posted by: tuweiwei @ July 11, 2019, 12:59 p.m.
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